SHOWS 2024
BCA National Specialty Show, Gettysburg, PA, USA
-MBBPIS Jolibully There You Go at Windermere “Chin Chin”
“SOYA” at 9 months old got WINNER BITCH the 1st National day show with breeder judge John Lancaster and at the final the following day,she got BOW and BPISS with breeder judge Robert Rodenski for a 5pts major win! That was amazing! First show as a puppy and in USA for her… our first National Show in USA and she is a 4th generation of Jolibully (Started with GCH Diva, CH Scarlet , CH Soya and her!)
Sire: Sir Archibald Of Windermere ( by Winter ) Dam: CH Jolibully Watch Me Rock The Roll “Soya”
-GCH Lady Brianna Of Windermere
“Brianna” got 4st place in open with judge John Lancaster
BCC Atlantic Regional Specialty show NB / Sécialité Régionale Atlantic , NB
-MBBPIS Jolibully There You Go at Windermere “Chin Chin” got BBPIS with judge Will Alexander and judge
-BBPIG Jolibully Come And Get It “Selena” got BBPISS with judge Will Alexander
-GCH Lady Brianna Of Windermere got Select with judge Olga Gagné.
-GCHS Jolibully Delenclos Stephie of Windermere got BOS with judge Robert Denis and got 3 3 Select Female with judges Sandra Anderson, Deidre Mc Kinnon and Barbara Orr
BCC Quebec Regional Specialty ,Brome / Sécialité Régionale du Québec à Brome
-MBBPIS Jolibully There You Go at Windermere “Chin Chin” got BBPISS with judge Judy Wade and also got 3 BBPIS with judge Joyce Love, Susan Norris-Jones and Joy Lynne Huntley !
-BBPIG Jolibully Come And Get It “Selena” got BBPIG with judge Robert Rowbotham
-GCHS Jolibully Delenclos Walter got Select with respectable breeder judge Judy Wade , BOS with judge Joyce Love, Select with judge Joy Lynne Huntley, BOB and Group 3rd with judge Susan Norris-Jones , BOS with judge Robert Rowbotham and a BOB and Group 3rd with judge Susan Quesnel.
-NEW CHAMPION Jolibully Scarlett got Best Of Winners with respected breeder judge Judy Wade and got Best of winners with judge Susan Norris-Jones .
-GCH Jolibully SirZeus Of Windermere got Award Of Merit with respected breeder judge Judy Wade
-GCH Lady Brianna Of Windermere got Select with respected breeder judge Judy Wade and got BOB and group 4th with judge Joyce Love
BCC Regional Ontario Specialty at Kitchener / Spécialité Régionale Ontario à Kitchener
–GCHB Jolibully Holy Diva got Select Female and Best Veteran in show and in sweep at 9.5 years old with respected judge Charles Spears
-GCH Lady Brianna Of Windermere got BOS with respected breeder judge Charles Spears and did BOS with 3 times on 5 at the AB show and our Booster, and a select at Ontario Bulldog club specialty.
SHOW 2023

Brome Show results ( June) :

Thetford Mines show results:

Kitchener regional specialty show and regular show end of may:

Show 2022
Septembre , spécialité Bulldog à Cape Cod aux É-U / First show in USA at Cape Cod
-Lady Brianna of Windermere ( Co-owned with Melinda Minnis)
We did the 4 specialty show there and “Brianna” got Reserve Winners bitch with respectable judge Elizabeth Hugo Milan and she also got BOS,BOW and Best Puppy on Saturday for from again a very competitive lineup of beautiful dogs with honorable breeder judge Kevin Davis from UK !!
Août St-Gilles / August at St-Gilles ,Qc
-CH Jolibully Delenclos Stephie of Windermere
Sire: MBISS GCH Delenclos Cherokee Milton / Dam: Sistler`s Funny Face of Windermere
Got 2 times BOB over a special male ( her brother 😉 ) She did just 2 shgows on the 4 during the weekend.
-CH Jolibully Delenclos Walter ( Co-owned and shown by Michel Bernier)
Sire: MBISS GCH Delenclos Cherokee Milton / Dam: Sistler`s Funny Face of Windermere
Got 2 times BOB , A GROUP 3rd and 2 times BOS
-Jolibully Watch Me Rock The Roll “soya”(Co-owned with Arianna Forget)
Sire: Majestic Man In The Mirror at Jolibully ” Jackson” / Dam: Jolibully Scarlett
Got 1 BOS and Winners bitch for her first pts, and got 3 x reserve winners bitch.
-Sir Georgio Of Windermere (Co-owned with Melinda Minnis)
“Georgio ” did just one show and got Best of Winners !
-Lady Brianna of Windermere (Co-owned with Melinda Minnis)
-Brianna got Winner bitch , she just did one of the 4 show during the weekend
8-10 juillet/ July – Rimouski Qc
-CH SirZeus Of Windermere
Sire: GCH DECKERS YOUNG GUN ” GUNNER” / Dam: Baby Boo ( multiple GCH producer)
“Zeus got 4 BOB and 1 select during that weekend of show with 1 group 2nd, 2 group 3rd and 1 group 4th.He is now Grand Champion! /“Zeus” a fait la race 4 fois sur 5 et a eu un groupe 2, deux groupe 3 et un groupe 4 !
-Lady Brianna of Windermere ( co-owned with Melinda Minnis)
“Brianna” at 8 months old got BOB and a group 3rd with judge Rita Walker , it was her first show! / “Brianna” a gagné la race à seulement 8 mois avec la juge Rita Walker en plus de faire le groupe 3 , c’était son premier concours !
-Sir Georgio Of Windermere (Co-owned with Melinda Minnis)
“Georgio” got BPIG , BOS and a BOW at his first show at 8 months old ! “Georgio” a fait Meilleur chiot du groupe 6, Meilleur du sexe opposé et meilleur des gagnants à seulement 8 mois et c’était son premier concours !
-Jolibully Watch Me Rock The Roll “soya”(Co-owned with Arianna Forget)
Sire: Majestic Man In The Mirror at Jolibully ” Jackson” / Dam: Jolibully Scarlett
“Soya” got 2 times BBPIS at her first show ! / Soya a gagné 2 fois Best Baby Puppy In Show à son tout premier concours ! 🙂
-Jolibully QbecBulldogs Toscane
Sire: Majestic Man in The Mirror at Jolibully ” Jackson” / Jolibully Hashtag QbecBulldogs
“Toscane” got 6 pts with 3 BOS 🙂 Toscane a fait 3 fois BOS pour un total de 6 pts
9-12 Juin/ June at Brome, Qc
-CH Jolibully SirZeus Of Windermere ( co-owned with Melinda Minnis)
“Zeus” got his Championship title with 1 Winner male, 4 BOB on 5 at regular shows and 1 select at Regional specialty show! / Zeus a eu son championnat le premier jour de concours avec un BOW ( Il lui maquait 2 pts) et ensuite il a fait BOB les 4 autres concours régulier et 1 select à la Spécialité Régionale !
-CH Jolibully Delenclos Stephie of Windermere ( co-owned with Melinda Minnis)
-She got 5 BOS and also BOS at the Regional Specialty show! / Stephie a fait BOS au 5 concours réguliers en plus de la Spécialité Régionale !
- Zeus and Stephie at the Regional Specialty, Brome Qc 2022
- Zeus at Brome Qc 2022
- Zeus photo with sponsor price offered by Boutique Betes a bord
28-29 mai – Thetford mines
-Jolibully Delenclos Stephie Of Windermere
1 BOS and 1 BOB so she is now Champion 🙂
-CH Jolibully Delenclos Walter
got 3 x BOB plus group 3rd, co-owned and shown by Michel Bernier.
-Jolibully QbecBulldogs Toscane
She got her first pts with a BOS. She got 3 x BPIB.
21-22 mai -Bulldog Club of Ontario specialty and National Bulldog Club Canada-
-Jolibully Sir Winston
3 x BOW ( National, regional and regular show on saturday) NEW CHAMPION in one weekend of show !
-Jolibully Delenclos Stephie of Windermere
Winner bitch at National specialty show !
Co-owned with Melinda Minnis
-CH Jolibully Delenclos Walter
BISS ( national) et BOB ( booster) et Group 1st le samedi , 1 select le dimanche
Shown and co-owned by Michel Bernier .
- Jolibully Sir Winston
- Jolibully Delenclos Stephie of Windermere
- Jolibully Sir Winston
- CH Jolibully Delenclos Walter
- Jolbully Sir Winston
- CH Jolibully Delenclos Walte
-St-Agapit, Qc ( 1 journée de concours le samedi / 1 day of showing on Saturday )
-Jolibully Delenclos Stephie of Windermere
BOS (2pts)
-jolibully QbecBulldogs Toscane
2021 show results / Résultats des concours 2021 :
-Jolibully Delenclos Stephie of Windermere a fait son premier concours à l’âge de 13 mois , elle a fait BOW ( meilleur des gagnants) et a obtenue ses 2 premiers points. Elle a fait reserve femelle avec les 3 autres juges.
- Jolibully Delenclos Stephie of Windermere. Sire: MBISS GCH Delenclos Cherokee Milton. Dam: grand daughter of Guiness. Co-owners: Melinda Minnis, Marie-Eve Jolin
- Jolibully Delenclos Stephie of Windermere. Sire: MBISS GCH Delenclos Cherokee Milton. Dam: grand daughter of Guiness.
-Br Jr CH Jolibully GameChanger Mamzel Serena a été vendu à Ulysses Villamin, Game Changer Bulldogs, au Brézil et a fait son premier concours à vie au National Brézilien , et apre`s juste 2 weekend elle st maintenant Br Jr CHAMPIONNE !!
-SERENA is now in Brazil with her trainer handler , she is sold to Ulysses Villamin, Game Changer Bulldogs , and she is now a Br Jr Champion !!
- Jolibully Delenclos Mamzel Serena. By MBISS GCH Delenclos Cherokee Milton. Out of Sistler`s Funny Face Of Windermere ” Sissy” . Owned by : Ulysses Villamin , Brazil .
- Jolibully Delenclos Mamzel Serena. By MBISS GCH Delenclos Cherokee Milton. Out of Sistler`s Funny Face Of Windermere ” Sissy” . Owned by : Ulysses Villamin , Brazil .
Sire: Int. CH, MBISS, GCH Delenclos Cherokee Milton
Dam: Sistler`s Funny Face Of Windermere .
Owner: Ulysses Villamin, Game Changer Bulldogs, Brazil.
Breeder: Marie-Eve Jolin ( Jolibully Bulldogs)
-CH Jolibully Delenclos Walter a fait son premier concours et ses premiers points et a fait 3 BOB et 2 BPIG et 2 ième concours il a fait BOB et Groupe 4 et le 3 ième concours il a fait BOW! présenté par Michel Bernier, co-propriétaire avec nous ! Félicitation au beau travail fait par Michel ! 🙂
–Walter did his first show with co-owner Michel Bernier and won 3 x BOB and 2 X BPIG! – Second show he got BOB and group 4th ! Congrats to the team ! 🙂

Jolibully Delenclos Walter , Sire: MBISS GCH Delenclos Cherokee Milton. Dam: Sistler`s Funny Face of Windermere ” Sissy”. Co-owner/handler: Michel Bernier. Breeder: Jolibully, Marie-Eve Jolin.
Sire: Int. CH, MBISS, GCH Delenclos Cherokee Milton
Dam: Sistler`s Funny Face Of Windermere .
Co-Owner/Handler: Michel Bernier.
Breeder: Marie-Eve Jolin, Jolibully Bulldogs.
-Am CH Jolibully 24k Magic ” Bruno” est maintenant Champion Américain 🙂
-Jolibully 24K Magic ” Bruno” is now AKC NEW CHAMPION !! Congrats to Ashely Wall that did a wonderfull job with Bruno 🙂
- Am CH Jolibully 24k Magic “Bruno”. By MBISS GCH Bluemount Silver Spirit ” Bobo” , out of GCH Eva Drakes Legacy Of Jolibully. Owned by Ashley Wall, Marie-Eve Jolin.
- Am CH Jolibully 24k Magic “Bruno”. By MBISS GCH Bluemount Silver Spirit ” Bobo” , out of GCH Eva Drakes Legacy Of Jolibully
- Am CH Jolibully 24k Magic “Bruno”. By MBISS GCH Bluemount Silver Spirit ” Bobo” , out of GCH Eva Drakes Legacy Of Jolibully. Owned by Ashlet Wall, Marie-Eve Jolin
Sire: MBISS GCH Bluemount Silver Spirit “BOBO” owned by Jay and Weiwei Shen , Bluemount Bulldogs.
Dam: GCH Eva Drakes Of Jolibully
Co-ownerr: Ashley Wall , USA
Handler: Ashley Wall / Jay Serion
2019 show results / Résultats des concours 2019 :
Nous avons eu une autre belle année en concours , entre les concours réguliers et le spécialité Régional Bulldog , le booster et notre première sortie au Nouveau Brunswick cette année 🙂
2019, a succesfull year for Jolibully team with the regular shows, the speciality and Booster in Brome, Quebec, and our first show in New Brunswick. And also with Bruno we sold in USA , and Wimpy that we bred was World Champion bitch … this is photos and some detailed results:
-Jolibully Madame Huguette got her CH and her Grand Championship this year and she was BOS at BCC Quebec speciality and Booster Quebec 🙂 (by EDGAR (Milton X Diva) and ALEESIA. Bred by Jolibully, co-owned with Line Gagnon , shown by Marie-Eve Jolin and Bernard Gagnon.
-Jolibully Sir Zeus Of Windermere got his Championship this year and he won BPIB at the BCC Quebec Speciality show 🙂 (by GCH Deckers Young Gun X Jolibully Baby Boo). Bred by Erika Jolin and Jolibully, owned by Melinda Minnis (Windermere Bulldogs) shown by Marie-Eve Jolin.
-Majestic Man In The Mirror at Jolibully got 8 pts in 3 shows and got BOB at Quebec Sweepstake show in June. Bred by Shalisa Neely , shown by Marie-Eve Jolin and Beranrd Gagnon.
-Jolibully Scarlett is MBBPIS and will be shown in 2020 : Sire: SWOOSH , out of our GCH Diva. Bred by Jolibully. Owned and shown by Marie-Eve Jolin.
– Jolibully Hashtag QbecBulldog got her championship really fast and is MBBPIS 🙂 Sire: GCH Qbecbulldogs Shining Like Dash. Dam: Adicted 2 Karma (by Prince Marcus). Bred by Jolibully , co-owned with Sabrina Labrie , Jean-Christophe Boulinguez and Karine Gobeil.
-Gina Lola at Windermere got 6 pts. and BPIG by GCH Deckers Young Gun “Gunner” x GCH Jolibully Holy Dior. Owned by Melinda Minnis, Windermere Bulldogs.
-Jolibully Shesouttayourleague “WIMPY” won title of WORLD CHAMPION BITCH, owned by Antonio Almeida. She is a daughter of Jolibully Baby Boo. Bred by Jolibully.
-Jolibully 24K Kid “BRUNO” got some WD BOW in USA shown by Jay Serion and by co-owner ASHLEY WALL:) by Bluemount Silver Spirit “BOBO” , out of our GCH Eva 🙂 Bred by Jolibully . Co-owned with Ashley Wall.
-Bluemount Jolibully Limitless did great in puppies and baby also and got his CH title with his owner 🙂 Sire: GCH Bluemount Silver Spirit “BOBO” Dam: Bluemount Silver Shadow “Dora” . Bred by Jolibully. Owned by Shyanne Polley, WeiWei Shen and Jay Shen.
- BBISS CH Jolibully Sir Zeus Of Windermere. Sire: GCH Deckers Young Gun . Dam: Jolibuly Baby Boo. Owner: Melinda Minnis
- GCH Jolibully Madame Huguette. Sire: Jolibully Edgar (Milton X Diva) Dam: Drakes Aleesia Of Jolibully. Co-owned with Line Gagnon .
- MBBPIS CH Jolibully Hashtag Qbecbulldogs. Sire: QbecBulldogs Shining Like Dash. Dam: Addicted to Karma. Co owned with Sabrina Labrie, Jean Christophe Boulinguez et Karine Gobeil.
- MBBPIS CH Jolibully Hashtag Qbecbulldogs. Sire: QbecBulldogs Shining Like Dash. Dam: Addicted to Karma. Co owned with Sabrina Labrie, Jean Christophe Boulinguez et Karine Gobeil.
- GCH Jolibully Madame Huguette. Sire: Jolibully Edgar (Milton X Diva) Dam: Drakes Aleesia Of Jolibully. Co-owned with Line Gagnon .
- BBISS CH Jolibully Sir Zeus Of Windermere. Sire: GCH Deckers Young Gun . Dam: Jolibuly Baby Boo. Owner: Melinda Minnis
- Majestic Man In The Mirror at Jolibully “JACKSON”
- BCC Quebec Speciality show wins 🙂
- ZEUS and JACKSON at the speciality show during the 12-18 males class 🙂
- ZEUS AND HUGUETTE in action during the BCC Quebec Speciality show in 2019. ZEUS won BPISS and Huguette won BOS 🙂
- MAJESTIC MAN IN THE MORROR AT JOLIBULLY “JACKSON” Won Best Of Breed and JOLIBULLY MADAME HUGUETTE won Best of Opposite at the Booster , Sherbrooke, in 2019
- Jolibully Mr Oscar. Sire: Jolibully Edgar (Milton X Diva) Dam: DRakes Aleesia of Jolibully. Owned by Sonia Giroux.
- BPISS CH Jolibully Sir Zeus Of Windermere. Sire: GCH Deckers Young Gun . Dam: Jolibuly Baby Boo. Owner: Melinda Minnis
- BBISS CH Jolibully Sir Zeus Of Windermere. Sire: GCH Deckers Young Gun . Dam: Jolibuly Baby Boo. Owner: Melinda Minnis
- GCH Jolibully Madame Huguette. Sire: Jolibully Edgar (Milton X Diva) Dam: Drakes Aleesia Of Jolibully. Co-owned with Line Gagnon .
- MBBPIS CH Jolibully Hashtag Qbecbulldogs. Sire: QbecBulldogs Shining Like Dash. Dam: Addicted to Karma. Co owned with Sabrina Labrie, Jean Christophe Boulinguez et Karine Gobeil.
- COOPER , bred by Marie-Eve Jolin, Jolibully, Co-Owned by SHYANNE POLLEY , WEIWEI SHEN and JAY SHEN 🙂
- Jolibully 24 K Kid “BRUNO” , Sire: GCH Bluemount Silver Spirit “BOBO”. Dam:CH Eva Drakes Legacy Of Jolibully. Co-owned with ASHLEY WALL, USA.
- Jolibully 24 K Kid “BRUNO” , Sire: GCH Bluemount Silver Spirit “BOBO”. Dam:CH Eva Drakes Legacy Of Jolibully. Co-owned with ASHLEY WALL, USA.
- Jolibully 24 K Kid “BRUNO” , Sire: GCH Bluemount Silver Spirit “BOBO”. Dam:CH Eva Drakes Legacy Of Jolibully. Co-owned with ASHLEY WALL, USA.
- MBBPIS Jolibully Scarlett . Sire SWOOSH . Dam: GCH Jolibully Holy Diva .
- GCH Jolibully Madame Huguette. Sire: Jolibully Edgar (Milton X Diva) Dam: Drakes Aleesia Of Jolibully. Co-owned with Line Gagnon .
- GCH Jolibully Madame Huguette. Sire: Jolibully Edgar (Milton X Diva) Dam: Drakes Aleesia Of Jolibully. Co-owned with Line Gagnon .
- Gina Lola at Windermere “Mia. Sire: GCH Deckers Young Gun . Dam: GCH Jolibully Holy Dior. Owned by Melinda Minnis.
- GCH Jolibully Panda Po. Sire: GCH MBIS Delenclos Cherokee Milton . Dam: GCH Jolibully Holy Diva. Owned by Angel Labrador, Philippines
- GCH Jolibully Panda Po. Sire: GCH MBIS Delenclos Cherokee Milton . Dam: GCH Jolibully Holy Diva. Owned by Angel Labrador, Philippines
- Word Champion Gch Jolibully Shesouttayourleague “Wimphy” . , out of Jolibully Baby Boo Owned by Antonio Almeida .
2018 show results / Résultats des concours 2018 :
2018 a été une superbe année pour nous en concours , à partir du Championnat Nationnal Bulldog du Canada , jusqu’au dernier concours à Terrebonne en Septembre avec le Booster:)
2018 has been a wonderful year again fir us , from the National Bulldog Show in Ontario to the last show of the year for us at the Bulldog Booster at Terrebonne 🙂
Two of our girls got their New Champion title and one Grand Champion and also we got some BBPIS with Bruno that is with Ashley Wall in USA now and we also got 2 Boosters BOB …etc…
- Terrebonne show results: BOB: GCH Deckers Young Gun , BOS : GCH Jolibully Holy Diva, Select Bitch : GCH Secret To A Kiss ,
- Quebec Bulldog Booster results: BOB GCH Jolibully Holy Diva. Select Dog :GCH Deckers Young Gun. BOW,WB Gina Lola Of Windermere.
- First show for Jalibully Madame Huguette and she got her first 2 pts with a WB, BOW and got BPIG
- New GCH title for Jolibully Margaux , with Group 2nd and Group 3rd 🙂
- New champion Jolibully Margaux
- Jolibully Mr Oscar at his first show 🙂
- New Champion for our girl Jolibully Sweet Litchie
- “Bruno” won BBPIS . Co-owned with Ashley Wall 🙂
- “Bruno” won BBPIS . Co-owned with Ashley Wall 🙂
- Jolibully Margaux at the Bulldog Nationnal show with judge Elizabeth Hugo Milan 🙂
- Jolibully Margaux at the Booster during the National Show 🙂
- GCH Jolibully Margaux during the booster at the National Bulldog Show 🙂
- GCH Deckers Young Gun got Group third after have won the Booster , shown by Edgar
- Really happy when Edgar won BOB with GCH Deckers Young Gun at the Booster during National Show Weekend 😉
- Jolibully Margaux got BPIB and GCH Deckers Young Gun won BOB at the Booster during the National Show 🙂
- GCH Deckers Young Gun won BOB , shown by Edgar at the Booster during the National Show weekend 🙂
- GCH Jolibully Margaux won BPIB at Booster during national show weekend
- GCH Deckers Young Gun won BOB at Booster show during National Show weekend , shown by Edgar Choi
- Jolibully Margaux with Bernard during the National show weekend 😉
- Ribbons of the National Bulldog Show weekend 🙂
-Jolibully Margaux got BPIB at the Booster during the National Bulldog Show weekend in Ontario , and got her Grand Championship with multiple placing in Group and also MBPIG in few shows during the year 🙂 She finished 10 on the Breed ranking Canada (Top 5 ranking females (4th) / Jolibully Margaux a gagné BPIB au Booster pendant le weekend du National Bulldog Show en Ontario et elle a aussi eu son titre de Grand Championnat avec plusieurs placements de Groupe et aussi MBPIG en peu de concours pendant l’année:) Elle termine au 10i ème rang au Canada dans la race Bulldog (Top 5 femelles (4th))
Sire: CH BBAD Captain Morgan , owned by Janet Coates .
Dam: Jolibully Baby Boo , producer of 2 Grand Champions .
Bred by Jolibully , snown by Marie-Eve Jolin and Bernard Gagnon .
-Jolibully Sweet Litchie got her Championship title in 2 shows ! Co-owned with Melanie Courtemanche . / Jolibully Sweet Litchie a eu son Championnat en juste 2 concours!
Sire: MBISS GCH Delenclos Cherokee Milton , owned by Knut and Christine Pelzer .
Dam: GCH Jolibully Holy Diva
Bred and shown by Marie-Eve Jolin, Jolibully .
-Jolibully Panda Poe got his Philippines Grand Championship title with his new owner ! / Jolibully Panda Poe a eu son Grand Championnat aux Philippines avec son nouveau propriétaire !
Sire: MBISS GCH Delenclos Cherokee Milton , owned by Knut and Christine Pelzer .
Dam: GCH Jolibully Holy Diva
Bred by Marie-Eve Jolin, Jolibully .
-Jolibully Madame Huguette got her first points at her first show ! / Jolibully Madame Huguette a remporté ses premiers points à son premier concours, ainsi que BPIG !
Sire: Jolibully Mr Edgar (GCH Delenclos Cherokee Milton X GCH Jolibully Holy Diva)
Dam: Drake’s Aleesia Of Jolibully (pointed, full sister of Grand Champions)
Shown by Marie-Eve Jolin and Bernard Gagnon
Co-owned with Line Gagnon
-Gina Lola Of Windermere Got BOW , Winner Bitch at her first show and got her first 2 pts ! / Gina Lola Of Windermere a gagné Meilleur des femelles et meilleur des gagnants à son premier concours !
-Sire: GCH Deckers Young Gun “Gunner”
Dam: GCH Jolibully Holy Dior
Bred and shown by : Marie-Eve Jolin
Owned by Melinda Minnis, Windermere Bulldogs
-GCH Deckers Young Gun “Gunner” Got BOB at the Booster during the National Show Weekend , shown by Edgar Choi in Ontario and got BOS at the Booster Quebec Show in Terrebonne , shown by Knut Pelzer!
-Owned by Melinda Minnis, Windermere Bulldogs.
2017 show results / Résultats des concours 2017 :
- MBBPIS BPIG Jolibully Panda Poe . Sire: MBIS GCH Delenclos Cherokee Milton. Dam: MPIG CH Jolibully Holy Diva.
- GCH Secret To A Kiss ” Cristal”
- MBBPIS Jolibully Panda Poe Sire: MBISS GCH Delenclos Cherokee Milton Dam: MPIG CH Jolibully Holy Diva. Owner: Angel Labrador. Breeder / handler: Marie-Eve Jolin, Jolibully Bulldogs.
- MBBPIS Jolibully Panda Poe Sire: MBISS GCH Delenclos Cherokee Milton Dam: MPIG CH Jolibully Holy Diva. Owner: Angel Labrador. Breeder / handler: Marie-Eve Jolin, Jolibully Bulldogs.
- BBPIS Jolibully Sweet Litchie Sire: MBISS GCH Delenclos Cherokee Milton Dam: MPIG CH Jolibully Holy Diva.
- “Poe” won 3 BBPIG and 1 BBPIS at his first show at 3 months and 10 days old! Thanks to judge Ms Vickie Umpleby for the BBPIS! 🙂
- GCH Deckers Young Gun “Gunner” at a last show as a “puppy” 🙂 Sire: MBISS GCH Wilson’s I’m Your Handyman “Decker” Dam: CH Windsong Farm Jubalant Diamnond. Owner/partner: Melinda Minnis, Windermere Bulldogs.
- “Gunner” MBBPIG MBPIG GCH Deckers Young Gun
- “Dior” got her GCH title so, she did her last sow…she will be inseminated at her next heat in may 🙂
-MBBPIG MBPIG CH Deckers Young Gun “Gunner” got his GRAND CHAMPIONSHIP ! / “Gunner” est maintenant Grand Champion Canadien! 🙂
Sire: MBISS GCH Wilson’s I’m Your Handyman “Decker”
Dam: CH Windsong Farm Jubalant Diamond “Cookie”
Bred by Pat L Brown, Christine and Jay Serion and Ron Villafuerte, Owned by Melinda Minnis, partner with Marie-Eve Jolin.
-Jolibully Panda Poe got his first BPIG and has now 5 pts. “Poe” got also 3 BEST BABY PUPPY IN SHOW in 2 weekends ! / ” POE” a gagné le meilleur show de l’exposition 3 fois en 2 fin de semaines de concours ! Il a aussi gagné son premier BPIG et il a maintenant 5 pts 🙂
Owned by Angel Labrador, Philipinnes, and bred by us (Jolibully Bulldogs)
Sire: MBIS GCH Delenclos Cherokee Mitlon
Dam: MBBPIG MPIG CH Jolibully Holy Diva
Handler: Marie-Eve Jolin
-Jolibully Sweete Litchie got 1 BEST BABY PUPPY IN SHOW in her first time out ! 🙂 / Notre belle “Litchie” a gagné meilleur bébé chiot de l’exposition à sa première sortie ! 🙂
Owned/Bred by Marie-Eve Jolin Jolibully Bulldogs, now co-owned with Mélanie Courtemanche .
Sire: MBIS GCH Delenclos Cherokee Mitlon
Dam: MBBPIG MPIG CH Jolibully Holy Diva
Handler: Marie-Eve Jolin
-MBBPIG CH Jolibully Holy Dior got her Grand Championship! / “Dior” est maintenant Grande Championne Canadienne ! 🙂
-Sire: MBISS GCH Imperious Hamitup Holy Diver “Dio”
-Dam: MPIG CH BBAD Jasmine Of Jolibullly
Owner: Melinda Minnis, Windermere Bulldogs, FL.
Breeder / handler: Marie-Eve Jolin, Jolibully Bulldogs.
-MBPIG CH Secret To A Kiss “Cristal” got her GRAND championship! / “Cristal” est maintenant Grande Champione Canadienne ! 🙂
-Sire: MBISS GCH Wilson’s I’m Your Handyman “Decker”
-Dam: Segreto’s Miss Independant Violet Girl
Owner: Melinda Minnis, Windermere Bulldogs, FL.
Breeder: Tony Segreto.
Handler: Marie-Eve Jolin, Jolibully Bulldogs.
– Jolibully Mr Edgar ) (same litter than Jolibully Panda Poe) got 2 BBPIG on his first time out….Owned by Emanuelle Linteau. Bred by Jolibully Bulldogs. Another Milton and Diva puppy 🙂
They will be shown by Marie-Eve Jolin with the help of Bernard Gagnon , Jolibully Bulldogs , and Jean-Christophe Boulinguez with Gunner in some shows.
2016 was an amazing year for us in the show ring and has a breeder. Our Bulldogs and Dogs/puppies we sold got 4 Grand Champion titles 🙂 3 are just at some pts of their GCH titles. / Nous avons eu une superbe année 2016 , car 4 Bulldogs issus de notre élevage ont aquit leur titre de Grand Champion et trois en sont juste à quelques points pour avoir leur titre de GCH !
Our girl “Jasmine” has produce 2 Grand Champions , and 3 Champions in the same litter (on 9 puppies) the sire of the litter was “Dio” Imperious Hamitup Holy Diver.
Our girl Chivas has produced 1 Grand Champion and 1 Champion in the same litter (on 3 puppies) the sire of the litter was Drake of Qbec Bulldog.
Thanks to me wonderfull helper at shows/partner in my live: BERNARD GAGNON 🙂
2016 Show Results of our puppies and Bulldogs that we sold to show homes:
- CH Jolibully Holy Dior , picture of her BOB , with owner Melinda Minnis from California. Handler: Marie-Eve Jolin.
- GCH Jolibully Holy Olaf, news GCH picture. Handler/co-owner Mélanie Courtemanche, of Bradford Bulldogs.
- “Wimpy” won a BPIS for her last show in the season 🙂 Sire: BPIS Luiz Louboutin de QbecBulldogs. Dam: Jolibully Bbaby Boo Owner/handler: Sabrina Labrie, Qbec Bulldogs Breeder: Marie-Eve Jolin, Jolibully Bulldogs
- New Champion picture of Jolibully Holy Dior 🙂 Sire: BISS GCH Imperious Hamitup Holy Diver “Dio” Dam: CH Bbad Jasmine Of Jolibully
- BBPIS MBPIG CH Eva Drake’s Legacy Of Jolibully. CH Picture, when she got BOB and Group 3rd 🙂
- -CH Eva Drakes Legacy Of Jolibully , first in Group 6 at the Royal Canin Classique, shown by Bernard Gagnon.
- _ CH Jolibully Holy Diva, 4th in Group 6 and best owner/handler in Group 6 at the Royal canin Classique ,shown by me (Marie-Eve Jolin
- _ CH Jolibully Holy Diva, 4th in Group 6 at the Royal canin Classique ,shown by me (Marie-Eve Jolin -CH Eva Drakes Legacy Of Jolibully , winner of the Group 6 at the Royal Canin Classique, shown by Bernard Gagnon.
- CH Jolibully Holy Diva , BOB , and her brother CH Jolibully Holy Olaf BOS (shown by co-owner Mélanie Courtemanche)
- This is Aleesia at her second show…shown by Bernard Gagnon. Sire: Drake QbecBulldogs ( Canada pointed) Dam: Jolibully Chivas ( Canada pointed)
- BBPIG , BPIG Jolibully shesouttayourleague “Wimpy” . Owned by Sabrina Labrie, QBEC Bulldogs. Sire: BPIS Luiz Louboutin QbecBulldogs. Dam: Jolibully Baby Boo.
- BBPIG , BPIG Jolibully shesouttayourleague “Wimpy” . Owned by Sabrina Labrie, QBEC Bulldogs. Sire: BPIS Luiz Louboutin QbecBulldogs. Dam: Jolibully Baby Boo.
- GCH Drake’s Legacy Of Jolibully and GCH Jolibully Rakaro Girl Crush. Owned by Karla O’Donnell, Rakaro Bulldogs. Bred by Marie-Eve Jolin, Jolibully Bulldogs.
- GCH Drake’s Legacy Of Jolibully. Group second win picture.
- CH Jolibully ‘s Rakaro Girl Crush add for 2016 shows. Add done by Karla O’Donnell , Rakaro Bulldogs.
2015 Show results of our Bulldogs, and Bulldogs we sold to show homes :
6 CH title winners:
On the pictures :Our puppies and puppies sold to show home and/or co-owned with us! Result for 2015 show season!
- Jolibully Holy Diva at 8 1/2 months old, at her last show this season, when she got 2 BOB , and got her CH title !
- Jolibully Holy Olaf, at his last show 2015, when he got his CH title (at 9 months old)! He was BOB over 2 specials!
- Jolibully Holy Diva, first show as a puppy , and she did great! BOB, BPIG and Group 2nd for a Major 4 pts and a BOS for a 2 pts! So, 6 pts for our little girl!
- Jolibully Holy Olaf , co-owned with M.lanie Courtemanche , did BOS at his first show!It was first show experience for “Olaf” and Mélanie! Congrats to the team!
- Jolibully Holy Olaf , co-owned with M.lanie Courtemanche , did BOB and his first pts at his first show! It was first show experience for “Olaf” and Mélanie! Congrats to the team!
- Jolibully Holy Dior , owned by Melinda Minnis , USA , at her 1st show and 2 X BBPIG !
- Jolibully Holy Diva , her 1st show and a BBPIG title!
- Eva Drake’s Legacy of Jolibully , first show and a best baby puppy in group award! Shown by owner Sabrina Labrie of Qbec Bulldogs! Congrats to the team ! Eva is by “Drake of Qbec Bulldog and our Jolibully Chivas!
- Eva Drake’s Legacy of Jolibully , first show and a best baby puppy in show award! Shown by owner Sabrina Labrie of Qbec Bulldogs! Congrats to the team ! Eva is by “Drake of Qbec Bulldog and our Jolibully Chivas!
- CH Drake’s legacy Of Jolibully got her CH title at 6 1/2 months old with his owner Karla O,D’onnell of Rakaro Bulldogs! Congrats to them and best of luck for the other shows! Sire is Sumo Drake of QBEC Bulldogs (Canada pointed) and dam is Jilybully Chivas (Canada pointed)
- Eva Drake’s Legacy of Jolibully , first show and a best baby puppy in show award! Shown by owner Sabrina Labrie of Qbec Bulldogs! Congrats to the team ! Eva is by “Drake of Qbec Bulldog and our Jolibully Chivas!
- Drake’s legacy Of Jolibully first show and won the best baby puppy in show in Alberta with his owner Karla O’Donnell of Rakaro Bulldogs! Congrats to to team!
- Drake’s legacy Of Jolibully first show and won the best baby puppy in show in Alberta with his owner Karla O’Donnell of Rakaro Bulldogs! Congrats to to team!
- Jolibully Rakaro Girl Cruch at her first show with her owner Karla O’Donnell of Rakaro Bulldogs won best puppy in Breed ! Congrats to the team! “Dore” isired by GCH Imperious Hamiitup Holy Diver and out of our CH Bbad Jasmine Of Jolibully!
- Jolibully Rakaro Girl Cruch at her first show with her owner Karla O’Donnell of Rakaro Bulldogs got her first points (4) at her first show in puppy class ! Congrats to the team! “Dora” is sired by GCH Imperious Hamitup Holy Diver and out of our CH Bbad Jasmine Of Jolibully!
2014 Show results:
“Jasmine” ( CH bbad Jasmine Of Jolibullly ) à l’âge de 4 ans, et après avoir eu 2 portées, a réussit à avoir son Championnat , ainsi que quelques titres comme :Meilleur des gagnants , meilleur de la race, 3 ième en Groupe.
“JASMINE” ( CH bbad Jasmine Of Jolibully ) ,at the age of 4 and after had 2 litters , got her champion title in a few shows, with a major , a 3rd in group , best of winners , best of breed!
- “Jasmine” with Jean-Christophe Boulinguez when she got her 3rd in Group!
- “Jasmine” with Jean-Christophe Boulinguez when she got her Champion title!
Jasmine first show as a puppy. ( 2010)
- First Jasmine’s show in puppy class
- First Jasmine’s show in puppy class
- Second Jasmine’s show